微思 09 - 世界觀
品酒體驗是個很主觀的事情。這個大眾認知其實是個雙刃刀。大眾消費著體會不到與專業品酒師同樣的感受只能說自己修煉不夠,卻很少有足夠的信心給予酒客觀的評價。 想要在這條路繼續探索下去的朋友,我們該如何提升我們的感受力? 我們如何真實地分享自己客觀與主觀的品酒經驗?
我在這裡並不是想要給予這些問題一個完美的解答,應該永遠是一個未知數吧! 我只是單純想要提供一個我自己用來提升品酒體驗的方式給各位參考。
Thoughts 09 - Vista
I think there’s an understanding that wine and spirits tasting experiences are very personal. So how can one experience more? How can one objectively share their experiences without losing authenticity and personal touch? How do we develop our own perspectives over outside influences?
I am not offering an answer because I do not know how. I am simply offering my personal perspectives that enhances my own enjoyment of these magical elixirs.
微思 08 - 細節
一個人在想辦法處理與解決問題的時候,有個思想體系鼓勵跳出思維 (Out of Box Thinking)雖然這種思考模式會產生一些天馬行空的神來之筆,但是機會應該是微乎極微吧。在忙著尋找路線跳脫與創新的同時,很可能會忽略身邊已經有的資源與機會。
Thoughts 08 - Detail
The phrase “Out of Box Thinking” is in itself restrictive because that would mean there is a limit to what one can accomplish. Do you know how big your box is and how big can it be? From another angle, do you know what’s actually inside your box?
微思 07 - 看破分數,看透酒:我們如何品酒
所以,我想要尋找更能夠有效傳達酒的故事的方式。 希望讓更多人產生對酒的熱情,近而想要更進一步了解與學習。
Thoughts 07 - Looking Beyond Wine Scores: The Way We Taste
People often forget that you do not need to know everything there is to know about wine in order to talk about wine. How can we be better at sharing that experience with others?
Thoughts 06 - Respect
With the ever-changing horizon, one thing for certain is that I know just how much I do not know and what an exciting thing that is!
However, I do know one thing.
I do know that whether someone truly respects the world of wines and spirits or if they are driven by something else.
微思 06 - 尊重
在這個無止境的追求裡,我唯一能夠確定的事情就是我懂越多,知道我不懂的事情也越多。 那是個多麼另人振奮的事啊!
Thoughts 05 - Passion
When it comes to nature vs nurture debate, nothing in life is certain, what we are exposed to throughout our journey from inception helps shaping who we are and what we have affinity to.
Thoughts 04 - Acts of Appreciation
Let’s talk about exposure. The reality in wine and spirit appreciation is the monetary aspect which forms a barrier for many to grasp just how vast and complex the world is. Hypothetically, what happens if the barrier to exposure is removed, what would your approach be then? Let me share two very recent observations from my personal encounters.
微思 02 - 邂逅
還記得第一次’喝’的是什麼酒嗎? 記得當時有什麼感受? 包括我自己,對很多人來說,那應該是一個沒什麼記憶的體驗吧。
Thoughts 03 - Treasure Hunts
Now I look at visiting a liquor store sort of like a treasure hunt of sorts. Finding interesting brands, styles, regions, grape varieties, or the combination of the above can give me more pleasure than be. As it is an endless journey, I still have much to learn and enjoy!
Thoughts 02 - First Encounters
Many first encounters, including my own, with uninitiated palates, were most likely unimpressed.
Why do I say that?
Thoughts 01 - For the Love of Wine
When reminiscing the journey thus far, I came across this article I wrote again, my views are still very much the same. Only now I know truly just how vast and deep it can be to paint this grand vision and possibility for greater sensibility, imagination, and respect when it comes to wines and spirits appreciation.
00 - Forewords: Stop and Smell the Wine
Real connosseurship will only come after having deep understanding and appreciation for the classics as well as endless and passionate pursuits for the exciting and new - with some harmless snobbery for entertainment.