微思 08 - 細節
一個人在想辦法處理與解決問題的時候,有個思想體系鼓勵跳出思維 (Out of Box Thinking)雖然這種思考模式會產生一些天馬行空的神來之筆,但是機會應該是微乎極微吧。在忙著尋找路線跳脫與創新的同時,很可能會忽略身邊已經有的資源與機會。
Thoughts 08 - Detail
The phrase “Out of Box Thinking” is in itself restrictive because that would mean there is a limit to what one can accomplish. Do you know how big your box is and how big can it be? From another angle, do you know what’s actually inside your box?